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Baluch Capital

Frequently Asked Questions

Nobility Lending fund

ecommerce investing , passive income investments
Once the investment is accepted, interest begins to accrue on the 1st of the next month. In month 3 you will receive 4.5%, then 1.5% a month afterwards via ACH into the account of your choosing.

12% preferred return annualized but paid monthly. Once year lock up, and 60 days notice for liquidity.

Lending and factoring are some of the oldest business models. Ecommerce lending is growing as the market experienced tremendous growth post covid, yet banks are slow to adapt to the change, which will allow us to charge more for low-risk lending opportunities collateralized by inventory or A/R.

100k, and can be funded from Self Directed IRA/401k. If you need help with investing from your retirement funds we can assist.

Email us your level of commitment, Electronically sign co-investment documents, and tell us where to send returns when companies sell.

Yes, but we have a cap of $500k per investor.

Biowise Fund

BioWise is a better option that its competitors because you won’t find anyone similar to BioWise. With BioWise, you’re diversifying your portfolio in a large range of companies in the healthcare industry along with leading professionals, and guaranteeing a compounded growth on passively earned money instead of going in on a buy, hold, pray basis.

When you invest with us at Baluch Capital, you’ll be a Limited Partner. You’ll be providing all the capital while we do all the work for you and ensure you a passive, healthy return on your investment. As an LP, you gain the benefit of being subject to minimal risk and minimal liability as you do not play any active role in business operations.

With BioWise, you can expect an IRR upwards of 30% and an project multiple of 8x, with the potential for even more, and a mailbox income.

Eagle Fund

alternative investments

Eagle Fund is a better option that its competitors because you won’t find anyone similar to it. With Eagle Pre-IPO, you’re diversifying your portfolio in a large range of private companies along with leading professionals, and guaranteeing a compounded growth on passively earned money instead of going in on a buy, hold, pray basis.

When you invest with us at Baluch Capital, you’ll be a Limited Partner. You’ll be providing all the capital while we do all the work for you and ensure you a passive, healthy return on your investment. As an LP, you gain the benefit of being subject to minimal risk and minimal liability as you do not play any active role in business operations.

With Eagle Pre-IPO Fund, you can expect an IRR upwards of 20-30% per annum with the potential for even more, and a mailbox income.